最近在購物網上看到[104美國直購] Sennheiser RS 160 Digital Headphones ,
[104美國直購] Sennheiser RS 160 Digital Headphones 的產品介紹在下面,最新出版
省錢方法 20150506mn_RS 160

Closed circumaural digital wireless headphones
Dynamic headphones with bass driven audio
Ergonomic adustable headband for excellent fit
Compact portable transmitter with multi-receiver capability
Digital volume control with mute function
Closed circumaural digital wireless headphones
Dynamic headphones with bass-driven audio
Product Description
Size: !Only Bluetooth 2.0 | Color: Black
Product Description
The RS 160 combines the best wireless audio quality with a truly versatile compact transmitter for listening at home, on-the-go or at the office. This wireless headphone system consists of a pair of wireless headphones (HDR 160) and a compact transmitter (TX 160) which runs on AC or battery power to best accommodate your application. The transmitter's compact size makes it a natural selection for automotive installs or in dentist/doctor's offices. The RS 160 utilizes KLEER's lossless digital wireless audio transmission, offering a range of up to 60 feet of audiophile-grade sound and reception to four optional pairs of Sennheiser KLEER headphones. Never fuss with tuning again thanks to automatic, interference-free pairing between the headphone and transmitter.
From the Manufacturer
The RS 160 combines the best wireless audio quality with a truly versatile compact transmitter for listening at home, on-the-go or at the office. This wireless headphone system consists of a pair of wireless headphones (HDR 160) and a compact transmitter (TX 160) which runs on AC or battery power to best accommodate your application. The transmitter's compact size makes it a natural selection for automotive installs or in dentist/doctor's offices. The RS 160 utilizes KLEER's lossless digital wireless audio transmission, offering a range of up to 60 feet of audiophile-grade sound and reception to four optional pairs of Sennheiser KLEER headphones. Never fuss with tuning again thanks to automatic, interference-free pairing between the headphone and transmitter.
Sennheiser RS 160
Combines the best wireless audio quality with a compact transmitter
There's no setup needed--simply plug the transmitter's cable into your audio source's analog output and you're ready to go. The wireless headphones operate on 2 AAA NiMH rechargeable batteries, which are included.
KLEER Wireless Audio
The RS 160 utilizes KLEER's lossless digital wireless audio transmission, offering a range of up to 60 feet for audiophile-grade sound and reception to four optional pairs of Sennheiser KLEER headphones. Never fuss with tuning again thanks to automatic, interference-free pairing between the headphone and transmitter. KLEER technology will not interfere with wireless networks or other 2.4GHz devices. Up to 4 compatible Sennhesier KLEER headphones can be paired with the same transmitter for private listening for multiple individuals.
Sennheiser RS 160
Exceptionally detailed, full-bodied sound reproduction is pumped into the listeners ears
Audiophile-Grade Performance
Audiophile-level transducer systems with powerful neodymium magnets deliver clear and detailed audio reproduction. An exceptionally detailed, full-bodied sound reproduction is pumped into the listeners ears, filling the sealed, private earcups with liquid smooth audio. The headphones' leatherette earpads and headband cushions deliver outstanding comfort while their closed, around-the-ear design prevents sound leakage.
About Sennheiser
For more than 60 years the name Sennheiser has stood for the highest quality products and customized solutions across all areas of sound recording, transmission and reproduction. As one of the world’s leading providers of integrated solutions for electro-acoustic products, systems and services, Sennheiser constantly meets the challenges of developing creative answers which satisfy the requests and requirements of customers.
What's in the Box?
Sennheiser HDR 160 headphone, TX 160 transmitter/charging station, multi-country AC wall adapterdetachable audio cable with 1/8 connectors, 1/8' female to 1/4' inch male audio adapter, 2 AAA NiMH rechargeable batteries, operating instructions, warranty.
Technical Specifications
Carrier frequency: 2.4 - 2.8 GHz (auto selecting)
Range: Up to 60 feet
Operating time: Up to 24 hours per charge
Detachable audio cable with 1/8 inch connectors
Transducer type: Sealed
Headphone type: Circumaural
Sound pressure level (SPL): 106 dB
Total harmonic distortion (THD): <0.5% a 1 kHz
Signal-to-noise-ratio: 85 dBA (0,5 Vrms, 1 kHz)
Frequency response (headphones): 18 Hz - 21,000 Hz
Impedance: 32 Ohms
Charging time: 16 hours
Battery: 2 x AAA size NiMH rechargeable batteries
Dimensions (transmitter): 3.4' x 3.8' x 1.1'
Weight (transmitter): 1.9 oz (216g)
Weight (headset): 7.8 oz (216g)
Product Information
Size Name: !Only Bluetooth 2.0 | Color Name: Black
Technical Details
Part Number:RS 160
Item Weight:10.4 ounces
Product Dimensions:9.8 x 4.4 x 9 inches
Origin Japan
Item model number:RS 160
Batteries:2 Lithium Metal batteries required. (included)
Size!:Only Bluetooth 2.0
Volume:4 cups
Voltage 1.2 volts
Item Package Quantity,1
Special Features:Wireless-Feature
Batteries Included:Yes
Batteries Required:Yes
Description Pile:Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH)
Warranty Description:2 years parts and labor

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